Turner Construction Company

Engineer Intern

May - August 2017 • Orlando, FL

What I liked

The connections I made not only within Turner but also with subcontractors and associate partners was important to me. The people I met and interacted with regularly were an absolute pleasure to work with.

What I wish was different

I wish the project I was on was further into the construction phase. I also wish I collected more business cards.


ASK FOR BUSINESS CARDS FROM EVERYONE! Even the person sitting next to you who’s email you basically have memorized. A business card will last longer than your memory.
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Project engineer intern

June - September 2017 • Santa Rosa, CA

What I liked

Great options to experience job sites and learn

What I wish was different

More time on jobsite


Don’t be afraid to ask for more work
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Co-op (assistant superintendent)

August 2017 - January 2018 • Lexington, KY

What I liked

Learning the different aspects and terminology of construction management. Communicating with different trades and nurses to get the job done in the safest and smartest fashion.

What I wish was different

I wish there was more initial training involved. My supervisor was obviously very busy, and sometimes I felt like I was left to learn on my own. I felt like I spent the first couple weeks just trying to get acclimated to everything.


Ask plenty of questions and be sure to talk to everyone on the job site. Having a good reputation with the different trades goes a long way when solving issues and asking them to complete tasks.
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July - August 2017 • New York City, NY

What I liked

What I liked about working with Turner Construction Company was the real world experience I obtained. I was never stuck filing papers or organizing the office. I was either involved out in the field or doing office work.

What I wish was different

I wish that the project I was sent to was not in the closing stages of completion. Because of this, not much field work was going on. Therefore, most of my time was spent in the office.


Be organized. Construction management is all about organization and if they see an intern who is well-organized and motivated, they will not be disappointed.
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Construction Project Management Intern

May - August 2018 • Lexington, KY

What I liked

I liked that I was given more responsibilities during this second co-op term.

What I wish was different

I wish I could get more involved with budget/cost and design work.


This is a great co-op atmosphere. I received plenty of first hand experience on site. Great co-workers who were willing to teach and help me through the process.
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Assistant Superintendant

May - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I enjoyed the people I worked with. Turner Construction has great employees and really take the time to help you understand everything on and off the construction site.

What I wish was different

I wanted a little more communication with HR after my internship had concluded.


Be sure to ask a lot of questions. Your employers understand that you are still a student and are eager to learn. They enjoy the questions more than you think.
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Accountant Intern

June 2018 • Albany, NY

What I liked

Great people

What I wish was different

More audit teaching


Great place to work, ask questions
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